Eastmark News

22 Awesome Things #13: Love

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and that’s gotten us thinking a lot about love. While the February 14 tradition celebrates romantic love, at Eastmark we’re all about love for our community. Maybe it’s the neighborhood parks, white blossoms on the Bradford pear trees, or taking a spin on our Eastmark Original Cruiser […]

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Apple Makes $2 Billion Investment in Arizona at Eastmark

This past week, Arizona won the economic development Super Bowl. A month of exciting events around the Valley culminated in a huge announcement that one of the world’s most innovative companies would be investing in Arizona. Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey stood with state and local leaders to make the announcement that Apple will expand its […]

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22 Awesome Things #12: Take a walk. Even better – take a walk with a friend.

“Walk it off.” “Take a hike.” There’s a great deal of evidence supporting this wise counsel to turn a bad or stressful day around. Walking is good for your physical health – it’s great for your mental health as well. A study published in the journal Ecopsychology analyzed the impact of group nature walks on […]

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Passion & Possibility

Welcome to the second in a series of essays that explore topics intended to help us all experience a more mindful, present, and connected life in the year to come. In honor of February, Community Life Director Suzanne Walden-Wells shares her perspective on Passion and Possibility. Passion & Possibility I have a confession to make. I […]

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22 Awesome Things #11: Hitting All Green Lights

You know the feeling. You’re about to be late for work, so every precious second counts. You start your car, back out of the driveway and know that only a series of 12 stop lights lie between you and your final destination. On a bad day, three of those large intersection lights can eat up […]

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22 Awesome Things #10: A Cruiser Culture

I was six years old when I learned to ride a bike. On a Sunday afternoon on the long sloping hill of my grandmother’s backyard, I straddled a rickety bicycle twice my size. My Daddy (yes, that’s what I called him) steadied me and gave a swift shove and away I went – wheels wobbling, […]

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Something awesome is coming to Eastmark

On April 18, 2015, you will want to bring your friends and family to a one night only event at Eastmark. If you haven’t signed up yet for Eastmark’s email newsletter, do so now to get upcoming information about the event and the community. More information to come!

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22 Awesome Things #9: Lifelong Learning

Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” At Eastmark, we think of ourselves as young and hip no matter our age and we value life-long learning. In fact, our community is designed for those with a curiosity and passion for knowledge. Within and around Eastmark, more than […]

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22 Awesome Things #8: New Year’s Resolutions

New Year, new you! At Eastmark, we value health and connection. If you ask us, there is no better time for committing to your plan for a happy and healthy 2015 than the start of a new year. A story in health.com compiled a list of the 10 healthiest New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a great […]

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Welcome to a bright new year

In celebration of the New Year, the Community Life team has freshened the look and content of our monthly e-newsletter, “Experience Life at Eastmark.” In addition, we are launching an essay series that explores topics intended to help us all experience a more mindful, present, and connected life in the year to come.  For January’s […]

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